This was written by Hanakia Zedek, a great friend, brother, and being with no place.

To me, the idea of god is no mystery. We simply project our egocentric ideas of self onto a universal model and blam: you have gods relative to belief and culture. The real mystery is all of that space out there and in here — Outer and Inner Space — and us as space ships navigating it.
The problem is that we are trained to think from the perspective of existence, yet, most of this universe is non-existence. This fact riddles the mind and we simply can’t wrap it around the notion that we came out of Nothing.
To me, it makes perfect sense — from a microcosmic perspective relative to the relationship between the parts of an atom or from a macrocosmic perspective relative to the relationship between the parts of a system; in a word, functionality. If a system doesn’t have an inherent design of function, it simply doesn’t work. There is an unspoken universal awareness that is not mind or entity based.
Through training, a human is convinced that there is a supreme entity, yet, when we look at anything closely we see that there isn’t anything “in control” and that its functionality is inherent. Without the human consciousness and belief, the universe goes on its merry way — although we’d like to think that it was all about us. That is as silly as the belief that the Earth is the center of the Universe. Our self-importance is astounding.
The Great Mystery is not about how or why it is more of an experience that we are lucky enough to be having and aware of. Belief is cross-cultural misconception to personify something that is not just relative to us and the projections thereof. What we see in space — inner and outer — is expansion beyond human egocentric explanation.
Try this:
1. Take responsibility for your actions, feelings, thoughts, and experiences.
2. Do what you really want to do without adding anyone else to the equation.
3. Realize that you are either allowing or creating what you are going through.
4. Understand that your reality is governed by how you perceive things and the actions that you take relative to that perception.
You get what you believe, yet, this does not make it real or true — just part of your program. People run around believing that what they think is true, when what they see is only for them because they or someone else convinced them it was the truth; it’s in their heads, nowhere else.
Here is the Great Mystery of World Peace: Deal with yourself and stop worrying about everyone else. We make things more complicated than they need to be, based on what we believe. Release and let it go, like everything else does on this planet.
Things are mysterious when we lack the awareness to simply see and listen to them. Anything after that is the mere articulation of the experience we have had or the silence therein having the experience itself. What is ever really happening — other than our minds chattering? The unknown becomes known when we stop trying to rationalize it with our own puny, little minds.
As we access who we really are, we realize we are not what we can identify, so deeper down the Rabbit Hole we go into the unknown. Whatever we experience becomes part of us and us of it. Identification is a human character flaw at times, when it gets in the way of the experience that we are having called life. Even the idea of life gets in the way, because we exist beyond the illusions of both life and death — and yet, we fear them both. There isn’t any mystery beyond what we are not prepared to see.
What if this universe is self-organized, self-inspired, self-generated? And I am not talking from a perspective that we are all or it all is god. What if it simply is and there is no reason? From the smallest to the largest thing, everything functions and has an inherent knowledge or instinct of what is necessary — and so, too, do all of the parts thereof.
The mind wonders — the universe does not; it simply functions effectively. Not too mysterious, eh? “How” or “why” is a human thing. If we stop assigning meaning, purpose or cause, we can go deeper into the experiencing of things as they are.
Maybe that’s just it. Ask a tree or a bird or the sun how all of this has come and you won’t get an answer. Not one. We just make up some.
If there is something that you don’t understand, stand in awe and wonder and allow the experiential mysteries to unfold within and before you. See if this moves you towards or away, then go or stay.
Copyright © 2014 Hanakia Zedek. All Rights Reserved.