Music Highlight – Rameses B

One artist that has become a mainstay on my playlist and I feel is not from this planet, is Rameses B.  I became aware of his music through his campaign on Indiegogo, raising funds for his latest album Reborn.  I had to make a contribution and be a part of this “chilled experimental album”.  I started listening to Reborn yesterday and am hooked.  I will be writing a track-by-track review and posting it everywhere I possibly can this weekend.

Rameses B - Reborn - Reborn Cover
Rameses B – Reborn – Reborn Cover

In addition to Reborn, I have listened to the following albums:

  • Inspire (EP)
  • Memoirs (EP)
  • Observe & Imitate
  • Pure (EP)
  • Revival (EP)
  • Russ (EP)

More information about Rameses B can be found here:

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