I first learned of Rameses B while browsing Indiegogo for music and film projects. After listening to a sample track, I knew this was the music I needed to contribute to and support. The result of this campaign is the album “Reborn“, and it was worth the wait.
The layers of multiple instruments present here, complement each other and provide texture that you can see and feel. The music becomes an object you can reach, touch, and hold. With so many sounds pulling at different emotions, I found it best to let go, and allow this masterpiece to carry me away to places beyond here, to another world where what I was or thought I was, turned inside out.
A few of these songs reminded me of Kaskade (“Fire and Ice”) and Nero (“Welcome to Reality”), and that is a complement. I like this type of electronic music, a soundscape, that does not try to overwhelm with fast beats, changes in pace, or so much synthesizer or computer generated noise, that whatever message or voice exists is lost. This music is sensual and washes over you. There is a voice in there and it has room to breath, it leaves room for the listener to find it.
There are snippets of spoken words on just about every track that are used to carry the story. I did not find them intrusive or to be telling me what to feel or see. I think they served the purpose of a guide, with infinite paths for the listener to find their own way. The path I found is detailed for each track below.
1. Years From Now
This includes voice-overs such as “Do you believe in fairy tales?”, “Something wonderful”, and “Years from now”. Are you afraid of something, of yourself, what you might find within? Years from now, will you look back and not recognize the person you were then? Will you remember any part of me?
2. Ecosystem
With faint echoes of animal calls and whistling, the sun is just rising. We get a first look at ourselves.
3. Earth Calls
Sounds of the earth become the focus as we enter a valley, we see things differently and everything has changed. Or are we beginning to change?
4. Through The Mist
The valley is filled with mist and the mist has a voice, muted and murky, reaching out.
5. Left Behind
What do we leave behind, when we are reborn? That part of ourselves that we do not need, that no longer works for us?
6. Spirit Walk
This track starts off with simple beats and is somewhat distant, and then builds as the spirit begins to walk, the spirit asks for one more chance to be reborn.
7. Immortal
Adds a bit more bass and vocals, with chanting in the background.
8. Reborn
Light finds its way through the mist, a light that is continuously regenerated from each and every star. Going deep, letting go of yourself, to be reborn as the being you are supposed to be.
9. Symbols
The real world and the symbols we associate with reality in our mind is a function of our state of being. Through being reborn, we take back control of our life, of our reality.
10. Home
We are reborn, we have found the path filled with symbols of this life and others, and it is time to return home. But, what is home? Is it a physical place? Does it exist here at our feet, around the corner, or across town or seas? Is home above, beyond the stars, toward that warm light washing over?
11. The Next Chapter
What happens next? Where do we go from here? What life lies ahead?

In addition to Reborn, I have listened to the following albums:
- Freedom
- Inspire (EP)
- Memoirs (EP)
- Observe & Imitate
- Pure (EP)
- Revival (EP)
- Russ (EP)
More information about Rameses B can be found here:
- On SoundCloud
- On Wikipedia
- On Bandcamp