We brought Leroy home in early 2011, shortly after I returned from Alaska.  I was apprehensive of bringing this tiny life home and the responsibility that came with her.  Would we be good pet owners, provide the right nutrition, walks, exercise, training, keep her safe?  What do we do when traveling, or simply running errands?  Was I willing to make adjustments and some sacrifice for this fur ball?  Since I decided to not have children, these are things I never had to worry about and was fearful to say the least.

The first year was probably the most stressful with the most amount of change as this puppy was like a squirrel drinking Monster energy, which is probably why she responds when I say “Monster, come here”.  But, as she grew and her personality solidified, so did I. Stress became easier to handle or let go as the monster brought a frisbee and only wanted to play.  Patience became easier to muster as walks into the woods became more about living, smelling each flower, and chasing dragonflies.

Now she has become my shadow and enjoys, with a smile, terrorizing me.


2-Weeks Old

Un-named Puppy
Un-named Puppy


Home at Last
Home at Last

Pictures Again?

Sleepy Leroy
Sleepy Leroy

Going on 4

Leroy Photobomb
Leroy Photobomb

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