Poem by Jason Hummel – Dream Pirate

Dream Pirate, by photographer and adventurer Jason Hummel – https://www.facebook.com/jason.l.hummel

Did I just slip into the dark folds of nothing
Roll and wriggle my way
Through nightmares

Even if I did
Am I merely desperate to retain
My human soul
Not perverted

Tell me
Levitated in this dreamscape
Swarmed by dark spawn
Am I but spun by the spider of deep sadness

Angels of happiness
[I demand] Build me a boat
To capture man’s misery and fear
So that we are not struck by these sharks
To sink into ourselves

As captain
I would so selflessly embark
To turn
My once ill-fated brethren sunrise bound
So that they would be powered
By the wings of optimism

But even then
I would fill their great billowing dream-sails with
Boisterous laughter
Childish giggles
And ear to ear smiles

Eventually, with my spoil of dark plunder
I would hide in the shadows
[I must I imagine]
And, once again, roll and wriggle my way
Through nightmares

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