BeingNature Poem – Closer to Home The present reality defined by actions and the current environment. Layer upon layer the past still present the... williamricciMay 17, 2015
TechnologyUpdate Updates and New Name Good evening from the land of 10,000 lakes and many forests. Some business updates and other news. We... williamricciMay 13, 2015
BeingNaturePoetry Poem – Nowhere I walk the path half here and half there that place that has no name and when I... williamricciMay 7, 2015
BeingDeep EcologyNaturePhotography Dogs of Spring #3 Spent the weekend chipping fallen trees and pulling stumps. Had enough time leftover to spend with the evening... williamricciMay 4, 2015
BeingNaturePoetry Poem – Tears I hear the news and see static images of people, real people, cast into life changing and ending... williamricciApr 30, 2015
NaturePoetryUpdate Poem – Temporal Passing beneath and over bridges the road opens into the sleeping city. Distant streetlights reflect off glass windows... williamricciApr 30, 2015
BeingPoetry Poem – Voice Through the open window a voice whispering garbled words drifted in with the autumn breeze filled with the... williamricciApr 27, 2015
BeingUpdate Poem – Continue Knocked down, blown off the mountain, buried and struggling, yet we continue forward as the human spirit is... williamricciApr 27, 2015
BeingDharmaNaturePoetry Poem – Stain If I pull back the thick fog they still consume my eyes. If I run into the water... williamricciApr 26, 2015
BeingDeep EcologyNaturePhotography Dogs of Spring #2 The day after clearing part of the forest, me and the big dog enjoyed a leisurely walk beneath... williamricciApr 26, 2015
BeingDeep EcologyNaturePoetry Poem – Downward Eyes From the highest peaks and the lowest depths. From the valleys and the oceans. We cast downward eyes... williamricciApr 26, 2015
BeingPoetry Poem – Mountain of God I have passed this way before. I have seen these desert grains pass through worn and bleeding fingers.... williamricciApr 24, 2015
Poetry Poem – Word The very moment you prepared for, going through each detail, emotions and movement, finally finds you, the actors... williamricciApr 23, 2015
BeingDeep EcologyPoetryUpdate Poem – What is this Fire We Walk Within? I don’t need words and pages to explain the concept of hell – just being human, just living... williamricciApr 22, 2015