Update Emerging from a slumber It has been a few years since posting or writing anything here. I feel like this bear and... William RicciMay 2, 2024
BeingNaturePhotographyPoetryUpdate Golden Path Long has it been since I touched these rocks and waters,weighed down with burden and future thoughts. Searching... William RicciDec 29, 2021
BeingEmpty FieldNaturePhotographyPoetryUpdate Distant Guiding Light Descending into winterdeceiving clear skiesgive way to earth curlinginto itself for warmth. Breaking trails through fresh snowascending from... William RicciDec 29, 2021
EssayFriendsUpdate Rote & Ritual Personal introspection and new music to get through the day from my friend at The Day on Fire.... williamricciSep 7, 2020Sep 7, 2020
BeingEmpty FieldEssayNaturePhotographyUpdate Stepping Into New Light Three-months have passed since I stepped into a new day, awash in Minnesota morning light. This would be... williamricciAug 4, 2019
BeingNaturePhotographyPoetryUpdate The Next Chapter Passing through the pages of life,some chapters are thin and we quickly move,some consume years and decades. After... williamricciMay 5, 2019
NatureUpdate Urban Coyotes It is that time of year when coyotes are more active in urban areas. People and our dogs... williamricciFeb 10, 2019Feb 10, 2019
BeingEmpty FieldNaturePhotographyPoetryUpdate Poem – Taking the Path into the Darkening Sky Falling off the concrete path, I landed in the empty fields surrounded with autumn colors. I was not... williamricciOct 20, 2018Nov 25, 2018
BeingNaturePoetryUpdate Poem – The Bridge Years ago, after the moment passed, one of those life changing decisions that, somewhere inside, I know altered... williamricciSep 8, 2018Nov 25, 2018
BeingPoetryUpdate Poem – Fracture 74 (Fire) into the flames the willow tree burns smoldering leaves melt from the crown dripping into the snow. I... williamricciAug 10, 2018Nov 25, 2018
BeingNaturePoetryUpdate Poem – Outside of Time Sands cover the landscape spewing steam. The vast ocean surfaced with the grains I have discarded. Passing through... williamricciAug 9, 2018Nov 25, 2018
TechnologyUpdate Technology – Security Issue Impacting Most Electronic Devices – Meltdown and Spectre Computer researchers have recently found out that the main chip in most modern computers—the CPU—has a hardware bug.... williamricciJan 7, 2018
BeingEditorPhotographyUpdate Welcome to the New Year A new year brings changes around here. A new theme was applied to allow more area for content... williamricciJan 1, 2018
BeingEmpty FieldJolineNaturePhotographyPoetryUpdate Poem – Direct Dreams In the fractured sleep of night’s immersed in dreams based in nothing familiar or known, one word repeated... williamricciOct 13, 2017