Video: Winter Camping Can Really Suck –– or Not!
Video with a great message of the importance of being outside, if only to be a spectator.

Calming Video of Lake Superior
The video below is 2-minutes of the sun rising over Lake Superior on 01-JAN-2019 in northern MN. The...
Poem – Morning Sky and Birds
Early morning walk to the empty fields and the blue sky filled with birds. Wind through the trees...
Video – Winter Grains
Two videos from early Christmas Day with crystal blue skies, strong wind, and below 0 temperatures.
Poem – Autumn Wind
Shadows from high-clouds in the early afternoon pass over our faces soaking in the autumn wind.
Video – Sunrise on New Years Day
Video taken of Lake Superior waves on the first morning of 2017.
Poem – Lake Superior Fog
Lake Superior fog rolls north across the open waters and in another time these were the first settlers...
Video – Perfect Drone Crash and Over the Trees
A beautiful day to capture an autumn skyline above the clouds and crashing into a tree at 15mph.
Drone Review of Autel and DJI
I have been flying the Autel Robotics X-Star Premium for over a month now. During that time, I...
Drone Resources and Websites
I have spent a few hours with learning and flying a drone, crashing a into trees a couple...
Flying Over the Forest
Video flying over the forest and a wonderful view of an early autumn sky with the Autel Robotics...
Coming in for a (not soft) landing
A quick video with a manual landing taken with the Autel Robotics X-Star and an ND8 camera filter...