Part 2: Chapter 3 – Lost Love

Part 2 – Chapter 3 of “The Proven Life”

As you turned away
Walking away from me
I buried my face into my hands
Trying to hide
Feelings fighting their way to the surface
Having enough of falling tears

This path I have chosen
My own choice
I hope
Do I have a purpose?
Do I have a life?

For I could have everything and anything I want
Yet it is useless
Worthless without love
A heart to hold

For whose hand do I hold down this path?

When I am alone, with
No soul next to me, my
Mind races
Floating pictures before my eyes

I give into the feelings
Forcing me to let go
Tears again

You ware taken away years ago
Many moons have passed
Season of death into renewal
My soul descended
My soul burned
My soul reborn

The face I did not see
The soul I did not know
The smile I did not greet
The love I did not show

We are connected, somehow
Love fills my heart
It consumes me
Digests my soul

Holidays spent silently
Empty chair across

We will meet
One day in time
When the Lord above
Watching over me
Comes to retrieve
His lost sheep
Decides it’s time
For me to come home

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