Tag: being

  • Poem – Pain

    The night falls quickly as the sun escapes the horizon and reaches across the calm sea to the shoreline where a lone figure stands atop boulders. There is no sound and no trees move. In the absolute silence no words are spoken. We can only guess the thoughts, the circumstances that brought this being here,…

  • Poem – Authentic

    I believe who we are when our eyes first open and light through half-drawn blinds washes over our body, we are true, we are authentic and only through the chaos and fray of each day do we become jaded and lose touch with humanity.

  • Poem – Place

    I was not meant to be in this place, at this time. Distant fields of clover and Indian grass fold into itself as mountains rise from the virgin earth and we are witness to the changing landscape, to the dawn of a new era. The relative nature of space and time the fluctuations bring me…

  • Book Update

    Work on my first collection of poems titled “Beyond the Border Kingdom” has finally gained some traction.  I am almost complete with the second draft and the introduction.  To aid in writing and concentration, I found some new music, most notably three albums by Geomatic: “64 Light Years Away”, “Blue Beam”, and “Cosmochemistry”. The draft…

  • Poem – Mirror 2

    Some mornings the face turns and questions. I have no answers except confusion and distance. Is this where I wanted to be? Which version of me made this decision? If now is the culmination of three – past, present, and future… and I see this confluence in the mirror what does the reflection see? Are…

  • Poem – Layered Sky

    Layered autumn sky like the waves rising from the horizon minutes before landing at the shore. Sky layered like the chapters of a life lived and lived hard – pages become the days counted since the beginning of time – that experience we survived emerging from the fire carrying the fragments that are left –…

  • Poem – Through Silence

    Through silence I find the universe’s voice and when balanced it is a reflection of myself. Midnight sky. White dots. So many they blend into a haze across what astronomers measure in parsecs – whatever the official distance or definition I know this – I stand in awe at the heavens, the light, and energy…

  • Perspective

    As the wind blows across sand, rocks, and driftwood I marvel at the change within me that I am aware of. Time has not softened the being, but strengthened through experiences and exposure to a world so scary as a child. Reaching out beyond the close-knit sphere I sought to understand the blood and tears…

  • Poem – Memories

    On the cusp between two worlds the fine edge we walk through each day. One world filled with the memories we choose to keep. The other filled with what we have left behind. In the current understanding time is a persistent reference a way to communicate and exist within this space. But memories operate independently…

  • When the trees weep

    When the trees weep the raging battle has taken a turn. Rivers disappear and a lonely dog walks the dry riverbed. Grains of sand and stone from the mountains consume the landscape and put to rest what we know, hide what we are. The weeping tree turns away from the sun and moves deeper into…

  • From a Puppy

    We brought Leroy home in early 2011, shortly after I returned from Alaska.  I was apprehensive of bringing this tiny life home and the responsibility that came with her.  Would we be good pet owners, provide the right nutrition, walks, exercise, training, keep her safe?  What do we do when traveling, or simply running errands?…

  • Poem – Absentia #1

    Absent of light the earth gathers itself reaching out to dark corners and pulling back that which strayed. Before light returns she counts each being and sighs before it begins again.

  • New Music

    It has been far too long since I posted about new music I am listening to or highlight something special.  Music really is a lifeline and thread between everything.  Music takes you places outside and inside of yourself.  It can trigger memories or create new ones. Music is universal and it presents a bond, something…

  • Poem – Fort Snelling

    Another poem from the “Joline” series. (1) We walked to the river beneath the towering cement bridge. A solitary barge moved with grace and silence. Our voices were not silent. Djarum smoke filled the space between us as we took turns speaking and telling stories releasing pent-up anger. I felt your direction was directionless you…

  • Beginning Deep Ecology

    Continuing to read “Cultivating the Empty Fields“, the translator makes a comment that Hongzhi’s teachings , who lived from 1091 to 1157, presage the modern philosophical movement of Deep Ecology.  I had not heard of this movement and school of thought until this passage, which goes on to make the connection that not only are clouds…