Tag: being

  • Essay – Guides and Turning Points

    How did I get here? An important question I throw into the air while reading, writing, and drinking coffee on a cold morning with early sunlight across the fields. In this current state of being, I awoke a few years ago after sleep walking through most of my life and leaving my path up to…

  • Poem – Walked Across the Field

    I walked across that empty field after the weeds took over and boulders fell from the darkening sky and trees took root. I walked across what used to be the empty field a gameboard for my mind a history of what has taken place, what I allowed to happen and I threw gasoline everywhere and…

  • Poem – Here Not Here

    I was there and I was not there. Letting go of reasons and questions I weaved in and out of the space out of the chaos… I saw light… Over and beyond the trees wavering, floating. Nothing moved except the light and my physical self operating on instinct, synchorized with the mind through a fragile…

  • Poem – As Years Pass

    A quiet moment as the sun sets. Fields emerging from thinning snow. What is distant is near – train horn and coyotes cause us to look over tree tops into the horizon. Logically I know the concept of time, a forward motion from here to there, from present to future – a progression – time…

  • On “Dualism”

    I am reading the “Cultivating the Empty Field” for the second time, and also Dogen’s “Moon in a Dewdrop”. From this perspective I have been working to understand Dualism and Nondualism. In a nutshell, here are my thoughts, and I want to see if I am even close to understanding the basic concepts. In Nondualism: 1.…

  • Poem – Daily Observations from Lutsen, MN

    Daily observations from Lutsen, MN #1 Rocky shoreline, we walked with Leroy following closely behind, grows when the sun sets and the superior water becomes frozen and black. #2 Across the blackness there is space, inhabited, desolate, empty – except today when I see each stone and each snowflake. #3 Starlight from galaxies is ancient,…

  • Poem – Valley

    Another great afternoon of snowshoeing and breaking trails with a clear cold sky.  The treat at the end was a beautiful sunset through the trees. I stand at the valleys entrance covered with shadow and darkness. I am unsure of how I feel the wind blows through me. I cannot see the end trees twist…

  • Poem – Random Thoughts #2

    Oak holds up the changing sky. What is beyond insanity? At what point do we lose the essence of self, cascading into another state of being, plunged into the darkness that is nothing and everything? And with each turn the city of industry hides, changes, destroys what I previously knew and where I came from.

  • Poem – Random Thoughts

    Across the western landscape clouds roam with scattered shadows. What beasts must I endure to find my way, my path. Only abstract from life, from nature. I am nature. Source of art from the unconscious. The white canvas, an empty field waits with silent anticipation for the first brush. Where does “it” come from? The…

  • Poem – I awoke…

    I awoke after years of semi-concious sleep not in bed, or in some familiar place – in an empty field. Some distace away in an unknown direction two wolves played with a gold sphere.

  • Poem – Ode to Death

    Ode to Death, by Hanakia Zedek I awaken in it’s arms Yet it has done me no harm It’s eyes cold and fallow As I have come to know Why do you come to me? Why do you comfort me… Yet never come for me? What do you see in me? Am I to continue…

  • Poem – Reflection

    The calendar turns an arbitrary delineation time passing one numbered year to another. Moving through and beyond this system of numerals the flow becomes more chaotic, less understood, more beautiful. When the meaning is removed when each layer is peeled away we find inside everything we hope for, everything we dream of, everything we can…

  • Of Religion, Spirituality, and Nothing

    Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. Whatever your belief or non-belief (to say you believe in nothing is still a belief system); whatever deity or non-deity you look toward for guidance, comfort, or even out of a sense of obligation, is a personal choice. It is a choice that no other person, group, or government should…

  • Poem – Deconstructed, part 3 (Fracture 12)

    Have we met before? Perhaps on a distant planet, on the other side of the known universe. White and gold petals scattered through the void we cannot see, while consuming everything we do see. I stand within light on a floating island. The willow tree comforts me on the long journey from planet to planet,…

  • From the teachings of Dongshan Liangjie…

    From the teachings of Dongshan Liangjie when seeing his reflection – Just don’t seek from others, or you will be far estranged from Self. I now go on alone; everywhere I meet It: It now is me; I now am not It. One must understand in this way to merge with thusness.