Poem – Across the Snowy Fields
We walk across ths snowy fields a chance meeting yet we always knew this day would arrive. I...
Poem – Morning Sky and Birds
Early morning walk to the empty fields and the blue sky filled with birds. Wind through the trees...
Poem – That Cabin in the Woods
That cabin in the woods, nestled beneath second generation pine planted after the last logging, waits for our...
Poem – A Visit
Just a few hours after arriving we were visited by the guardians of the north shore… With fresh...
Poem – Solitude
A red cabin in the woods beneath the pine trees sagging from the winter snow, is all I...
Hide and Seek with the Morning Sun
Hide and seek with the morning sun as we emerge form a deep freeze in MN.
Poem – Transitions
Through our normal daily lives, time consistently pushes us forward toward goals and moments we may or may...
Poem – Boundaries
The boundary between the empty field and the old pine forest transports me from the confines of my...
Video – Winter Grains
Two videos from early Christmas Day with crystal blue skies, strong wind, and below 0 temperatures.
Poem – Until Nothing
As concrete melts into dirt and grass and skyscrapers become pine trees, I fall into the snow and...
Poem – Universe in the Eyes
What does she see across the snow covered field, in the distance or nearby? Is the coyote following...
Poem – Direct Dreams
In the fractured sleep of night’s immersed in dreams based in nothing familiar or known, one word repeated...
Poem – Captured Halos
The black morning hides tall pine trees rising against the star filled sky. The silence broken only by...
Girdwood, Alaska – Rainforest
Into the rainforest we walk with soft steps, silent voices, and open hearts. Morning rain seeps through the...
Poem – What is Left
I see shadows drifting behind the trees. Across the wetlands dogs bark, a warning of coyotes stirring about....