Good morning from Leroy and Vinny
Looking at the calendar, over a month has passed since my last post here. Where does the time...
Poem – Horizon
Spring has filled in the once barren forest and we witness the green waves rolling toward the blue...
Poem – Flight
Against an evening sunset and blue backdrop a pair of ravens circle, descend, and ascend a last time...
Poem – That Cabin in the Woods
That cabin in the woods, nestled beneath second generation pine planted after the last logging, waits for our...
Poem – Becoming Winter
For now I am the winter beneath the mask revealed beneath the cold water of the sea. Eyes...
Poem – Rain
When my mind becomes scattered, when each of the thoughts I held in my core is lost to...
Poem – Searching for Myself
Stopping at the green gate and the snow covered driveway, the pine trees embrace the winter sky and...
Poem – Destination
The path through the heavy pine and white fog will become the destination you choose.
Poem – First Snow
Waiting patiently for the first snow. Just like a child with face pressed against the cold window pane...
Poem – Autumn
The autumn sky wraps blue fingers around the tall pine trees and in this embrace we watch the...
Poem – Into the Sun
I awoke that missing day disconnected and lost from what I thought I was and who I wanted...
Poem – Woods
In the woods we take the worn path of hard dirt and decaying leaves following the recent activities...
The Light Settling in the Woods
Old growth trees line a worn path cut from loggers decades before. The floor is covered with...