Poem – A Childhood in Retrospect
Shifting through photos I feel no connection, no recognition to the person with time and years ahead of...
Words and Actions – Revisited for 04/18/17
Rugged facial features and expressions, like that of mountain men in history books and legends standing atop the...
Words and Actions – Revisited for 04/18/15
Back in 2009, I had a short story published at Whispering Angel Books about my grandfather. It was...
Words and Actions
Back in 2009, I had a short story published at Whispering Angel Books about my grandfather. It was...
Poem, Thoughts – Roots
Where do you come from? Not from 5-minutes ago, or from your vehicle, but the essence of you,...
Summer on 41st
Stretching eager fingers, ready to continue on a new piece with the working title of “A Season in...