Tag: Machines

  • Poem – In Unbound Dreams

    In unbound dreams steeped in limitless colors the machines sleep. Metal skin glistens as another day begins, as our held breath releases. We start with the same promise that this will be the last day and we will stand here united. On this war ground with the rising sun we circle the sleeping machines…

  • Article – The Dark Secret at the Heart of AI

    Article from MIT Technology review.  It seems we will need to develop AI to control and understand AI. https://www.technologyreview.com/s/604087/the-dark-secret-at-the-heart-of-ai/ Intelligent Machines The Dark Secret at the Heart of AI No one really knows how the most advanced algorithms do what they do. That could be a problem. by Will Knight April 11, 2017

  • Poem – The Last Day in This Flesh

    The last time I exit the empty field, crossing over the still black water will be the last day in this flesh. On the other side the machines wait with steely patience where they have stood for years. When we next awaken from what seems like a dream we will be near the base of…

  • Poem – Preparing

    I watch the sun fall into the earth and the forest retreat into the shadows. I watch ravens make one last flight this day and the fields consume the rising moon. I try to take hold of today and let go of tomorrow. But I know changes are near and that we are not alone.

  • Poem – The Search

    The sound of metal scraping across rock strewn fields is not the imagination filling time with stories and distracting thoughts away from what appears to be inevitable. No, that really is the machines emerging from the dense forest. That is the machines rewiring fluid thoughts, adapting to the immediate environment while focusing on the assigned…

  • Poem – This Unknown Path They Created

    (1) The march from across the fields and sea signals it is time. Are they peering across the empty space and watching events unfold? Are they among us now and with every move and change are the unseen influence? And whose path do they desire us to follow? (2) I walk across the field and…

  • Poem – In This Life

    I see the day slip into the night and the trees I am surrounded by reach into the darkness. In another life after I am the same essence in a metallic shell. In another life before I am the farmer clearing fields for wheat and corn. In this life now I am the culmination of…

  • Poem – A Prelude (Beyond Now, Infinite Outcomes Merged Into Singularity)

    We create machines from the technology we discover and in the pursuit of higher knowledge we imbue our intellect, instincts, and capacity to explore and wonder into these machines. And we wonder what could go wrong. In a dystopian future… At what point does a thing pass over a human defined line and become a…