Tag: present

  • Poem – In This Life

    I see the day slip into the night and the trees I am surrounded by reach into the darkness. In another life after I am the same essence in a metallic shell. In another life before I am the farmer clearing fields for wheat and corn. In this life now I am the culmination of…

  • Poem – A Prelude (Beyond Now, Infinite Outcomes Merged Into Singularity)

    We create machines from the technology we discover and in the pursuit of higher knowledge we imbue our intellect, instincts, and capacity to explore and wonder into these machines. And we wonder what could go wrong. In a dystopian future… At what point does a thing pass over a human defined line and become a…

  • Poem – How to Move Forward

    Falling into the future from the present I sense time is changing, its motion pushing me forward into moments I may not be ready for. While science states that time does not change, how much do we know of the physical universe we infer and how much exists beyond the borders and boundaries we see…

  • Poem – What is Beyond this Current State

    Frozen in time. Where do we go from here? A chance to reassess our place. What is beyond here? Beyond here becomes what we choose.

  • Poem – At Every Turn

    At every turn. Life. The decisions we have made the decisions made without us. The people we have forgotten. Yet, here we are beneath another sun on another day with another chance. To move beyond our mistakes with the knowledge and experience we have gained. None of the challenges are greater than what we see…

  • Poem – Today

    Each day while comprising the experiences of the previous, is itself new, and waiting for what you make of the time.

  • Poem – Time

    Every day is a battle to find more or slow down or move faster. Yet time is not aware of our desires and continues in one steady direction. The very definition of time is based on processes and natural events occurring millions of miles beyond the grasp of worn and tired hands. Yet we continue…

  • Poem – Eyes

    In what appears as two strangers passing in an overcrowded train station waiting to be taken home, I saw you in the mirror and aside from the same face, the eyes were deeper, content, focused on today.

  • Poem – Guided By Wolves

    In the last dream of this life I watched the white wolf walk away. In the first dream of the next life I watched the black wolf emerge from still water. With my first step across the empty field I knew I was granted another life, more time complemented with the experiences and another chance…

  • Poem – Destiny

    As the rain subsides and the sky fills with birds I am left with a fragment of who I was yesterday. That is to say each day we are given the chance to change to shed what is not needed and keep what we are destined to be.