Tag: present

  • Poem – Time

    I have been down that path beneath that same sky before but still, each time it is new, on a different day, with a different mindset, with intentions to make the most of the time given.

  • Poem – I see the Lantern Everywhere

    I see the lantern everywhere and in my sleep as recurring dreams have brought with them a place in the empty field filled with light and hope. In my weakened state I cling to this vision as the hours and days pass and there is seemingly no end in sight. I cling to a vision…

  • Poem – What Becomes

    (1) Long ago that path became an object in the mirror fading into the dust of the present experiences. I look back with nostalgia at moments I have built and pieced together from the scenes I have witnessed, the people met and the forgotten glorified sense of purpose. (2) What becomes of the road after…

  • Poem – The Eye

    Across vast distances of land and sea the road is lonely, the conversation sparse. In the furthest stretches of the soul we feel alone and cast eyes to the emptiness up ahead in the future and look back to the past wondering how we ended up here but we are greater than what we see…

  • Poem – Chasing the Light

    Emerging from the past into the present I continue to pursue the future always chasing the light whether day or night.

  • Poem – Closer to Home

    The present reality defined by actions and the current environment. Layer upon layer the past still present the future a passing breath. Morning sun filtered through the spring trees as the rain has finally fallen and leaves turn and fill in the space left by the previous dead, winter, dead. A slow walk on the…

  • Poem – Renewal

    The dirt path changed to stone and as time passed I lost my place. Emerging from one realm to another this one was foreign. And yet familiar if I closed my eyes, like some part of me crossed here before. And yet distant, the remote connection either passed or not arrived. Between two possibilities I…

  • Poem – Shadow

    Scattered dreams forgotten at first light. A vague cloud follows. Trees bend at impossible angles the air wavers and shimmers. I walk the dirt path worn from ancestors and ancient methods. Morning light through the tree canopy casts fragments across my face. I cannot help but feel I am being followed by a shadow of…

  • Poem – Rain

    Those thoughts the ever-present past the overgrown fields the moments we do not allow ourselves to forget to let go washed out to sea.

  • Poem – Blood

    Time passes with nothing, with no stake in what happens next. It is pure in its motivations, its actions, and its silence. Yet we tie and bind time to history, marked points of moments and events and ask the question: “Do you remember that time when…?” Time is a bystander to what we choose do…