Another Winter
Spring fell into an early winter. We scramble to remember how cold was last year? How much snow?...

Across Sand
Across vast red sandsI see your face high in untouched mountains. Passing for years through dust stormsblanketing the...
Poem – Red Dust (Beyond)
New poem from the “Beyond” series. I awake covered in red dust after the storm passed. In the...
Poem – That Cabin in the Woods
That cabin in the woods, nestled beneath second generation pine planted after the last logging, waits for our...
Poem – Solitude
A red cabin in the woods beneath the pine trees sagging from the winter snow, is all I...
Poem – Fragile Thread
The sunless grey sky releases an afternoon rain pushing leaves beginning to transition to bright yellows and deep...
Poem – Merging Scenes
Evening clouds cross the open fields, consuming empty space and trees. We watch their fluid movements and changing...
Poem – Calming
What more can I ask for, what more can I expect, than the colors of autumn calming the...
Poem – Where From
Putting aside differences, opinions, and our views of the outside from the inside, whoever or whatever designed and...
Poem – A Moment in Time
For a moment in time I saw the future as I quickly let go o the past. In...
Poem – Into the Sun
I awoke that missing day disconnected and lost from what I thought I was and who I wanted...
Poem – Perseverance
Storms rolled through last week. Weak and old trees toppled to the ground or fell into a neighbor...
Poem – The Day Wisdom Came from the Clouds Above
(1) Summer months fell into the autumn. Mist clung to pine before the sun rose. Brown needles falling...