Tag: stress

  • Poem – The Foundation of Each Day

    Like a drone on autopilot I rise when the alarm cuts through the night with no thought or question. I drive the long road through the sleeping city past windows and doors leading to lives I do not know. I, like them, struggle with the burdens, expectations, roadblocks, doubt, and the surprises life throws each…

  • From a Puppy

    We brought Leroy home in early 2011, shortly after I returned from Alaska.  I was apprehensive of bringing this tiny life home and the responsibility that came with her.  Would we be good pet owners, provide the right nutrition, walks, exercise, training, keep her safe?  What do we do when traveling, or simply running errands?…

  • Decompression

    Overlooking Silver Lake, I slowly let go of the day, and the past week.  So much weight and so many worries.  The stress is taking over the color of my hair (more character some say).  I wonder silently and within, is it all worth the results at the end of day?  What is the end…