Poem Leftovers, Part 2


Within the space of silent wandering
what falls away can be forgotten

yesterdays discarded paper of a lost time
the experience rolled into the collective.

they say you are the culmination of
yesterday, today and tomorrow.

if you hold dearly to the past
you will never know the path.

the mirror’s purpose is only to show
what you choose to ignore.


light scattered across the horizon
just before dawn broke and swept

away rain laden grey clouds
pulling back the veil of another

vision beyond here.

Beneath the darkening sky there is everything
to find in the void, in the nothing.

Ten thousand raindrops fell from the
darkening sky as flowers lifted their roots
and scurried about the field.

snow returned in the afternoon.

falling upon the cold steel and concrete
soon hidden from view.

the current version of a being and consciousness

bathed in white light
a brief glimpse of the source.


As time passes, the years become
cluttered with events, objects, memories.
Soon blended, past, present, future
become now.

With one motion the path opens
tress move to either side and the
journey continues.

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