Retreat – Challenges and Setbacks

An update on the wildlife retreat we have been working on the past 2-years.  The first phase is done and we will take the winter off and enjoy the trees and bird songs.  Phase two, which will be prairie grass restoration, starts in the spring of next year.  Along with the joy of the various animals, birds, trees, sights, and sounds, we have had to deal with the darker side of humanity.  Twice, during hunting season, we have had remains of dear left in various states on the retreat.  The first time it happened was with snow covering the ground and most of the remains were hidden and not much we could do.  This past weekend was a different story.  It has been warm for MN this time of year and we have no snow.  While I will not go into detail, the site was pretty gruesome.  Even the county sheriff and DNR representative I am working with were bothered by the situation.

Where we are there are plenty of predators, including coyote, of which we know there are two packs roaming around in the dark hours.  Something we have to be aware of and careful with is our dog.  Now there is additional food for them, that will bring them closer to our space.  According to the people I have talked with, since this on private property, our only option is to bury or burn the remains.  We will be opting for the burn, and as such, will do this as respectfully as we can.  I will be writing a poem about the experience and the results of what we will look at as a sacrifice and bring into this symbols of the elements.

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