Mt. Rainier 2013 – Packing

With less than 3-weeks before flying to Seattle, I started to pack and review all of the required and recommended gear.  Good thing as I think the harness I have is too small when taking into account the extra layers and bulk at the higher elevations.  Everything from the provided list is in the photos below, except the parka which would have taken up most of the image.

UPDATE 06/08/13 – Ordered a Black Diamond Couloir harness that should fit better and have a larger range of adjustments, especially through changing layers.

UPDATE 06/08/13 – Switched the crampons I will be taking from the clip to the strap version of the Black Diamond Contact crampons.  My size 12 boot (La Sportiva Nepal Evo) was not fitting very well, and strap has a nicer fit and more clean system for adjustments, and being able to leave the crampons on the boots while taking the boots off.

I’m getting more anxious and excited each day, but also keenly aware of every ache and pain, making sure I am ready physically and mentally for the challenge.

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