Travel Applications – From Worldmate to TripIt

Since 2010, I have been a devoted user of Worldmate for managing travel plans and itineraries.   Despite limitations and few and far between updates, I used the website often and had the app installed on all mobile devices.  So when I logged in yesterday and discovered that the service was being discontinued in March, I was sad.  And now I had to find a replacement and get this years plans loaded.  A quick search of course found other travelers in the same predicament.  Some alternates listed were Google Now, TripCase, and TripIt.  After a little reading and a trial, I decided on TripIt Pro from Concur.

The main issue I had with Worldmate was it’s limitation in managing activities and events while traveling.  It was good for hotels, car rentals, and airfare, but not restaurant reservations, excursions, or planning an expedition.  So far, TripIt is a great and in many ways better replacement for Worldmate.

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