John Haines – City of Orphans
I typically read and have been influenced by John Haines nature poems and memoirs, but this poem is...
My religion is the open empty field
(1) I passed through the window looking for the outside and landed back here in my mind. When...
Dogs of Summer #3
North to the St. Croix River we headed on a perfect grey and rainy summer morning. With just...
The Voice in the Forest
I pass trees on either side, deeper into the forest and further form the fields, leaving one realm...
The Light Settling in the Woods
Old growth trees line a worn path cut from loggers decades before. The floor is covered with...
Dogs of Summer #2
On a somewhat grey and dreary day we headed north to the fields and trails near the Wild...
Dogs of Summer #1
Summer is not quite here, but that does not deter the sun, warmth, and life within the forest....
Poem – Let Go
There is something in the forest seen and not seen, the light scatters, ebbs, and flows. I am...
Poem – The Foundation of Each Day
Like a drone on autopilot I rise when the alarm cuts through the night with no thought or...
Retreat Vignettes – #2
Tall pine holds up the sky free of clouds as the sun passes overhead. I look beyond the...
Retreat Vignettes – #1
Moments the chaos is held at bay when the pine filled sky sways and the ravens visit and...
Poem – Where the Color Comes From
The lonely path tunneled through the daily routine and expectations. The tunnel became your gateway and hiding place,...
Poem – Searching in the Wasteland – Part 1
I see you across the distance a face not known yet I feel a connection and I would...
Poem – Calm
Time and age conspire with numbers setting expectations. You are only as old as you feel and that...