Zen Master – Shitou Xiqian (700-790)
Zen Master Shitou Xiqian is famous for two poems that are classic Zen texts. I recently started reading...
Poem – Fields (continued as the lantern disappears)
Fields 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (1) Shining brilliantly through grey fog hugging the soaked ground the light...
Poem – Fields (continued as the lantern grows brighter)
Shining brilliantly through grey fog hugging the soaked ground the light I cannot see is there in my...
Poem – Fields
Shining brilliantly through grey fog hugging the soaked ground the light I cannot see is there in my...
Buddha – Mindfulness
“Do not dwell in the past, Do not dream of the future, Concentrate the mind on the present...
Poem – The Mountains Voice We See and Do Not Hear
Mountain of snow against the darkening sky drifts from vision and becomes the lost peak of legend. Mountain...
Poem – When Darkness Becomes All That We Know
Grey infused frozen water consumes the last light before the fields darken. Distant planets follow me from dawn...
Thoughts on the Empty Field
I have written a bit about the concept of an empty field and what this means spiritually, mentally,...
Poem – Memories
On the cusp between two worlds the fine edge we walk through each day. One world filled with...
Poem – Fragments of the person
(1) Washed with silent words spoken by creatures of the day and night I let go and slept...
Poem – Far Reaches
At the end of this journey I stood before the bursting stars and bathed in the energy and...
Poem – Welcome
Tears fall upon the lotus growing near the red water. A robed figure walks the dirt path from...
Poem – To No One
I sat down to write what’s consuming my mind day in and day out. I thought on the...
Enra – Pleiades
A cherographed music, dance, and light number that truly is an extension, a bridge from here to where...
May 2014 Issue of Shambhala Sun
Just read three wonderful articles in the latest issue of Shambhala Sun that I wanted to share. Going...