Dreams: Path or Reality
Dreams: Path or Reality What will it take to trust this path? How many more years will I...
Mount Beckey
Biography of Fred Beckey Originally written on 07/11/2009 for a job interview. Somewhat obscure and averse to fame...
A place exists tucked into tall pine trees reaching toward the empty sky filled with Nothing. Yielding the...
Through The Window
Miles long cloud columns extending from the setting sun on this summer evening. A partial view of something...
Something is Missing
What the hell happened to spring? Winter has quickly left our thawed memories and spring has sprung for...
Spring Preview
A walk around Silver Lake allowed the coming spring to enter a tired and worn mind. Thoughts of...
Red Raven Retreat – Trail Building – Day 2
Trail building continued this weekend with 1000 feet hand-cut for an initial pass. Brush and branches form last...
At Sea
The midnight sun greets each sailor lost at sea, searching for a port sheltered from the wind-swept ocean...
Red Raven Retreat – Trail Building
A perfect winter day to continue trail building and stacking of brush, to be burned at a later...
Red Raven Retreat – Trail Building – Day 1
A perfect winter day to continue trail building and stacking of brush, to be burned at a later...
Lutsen, 2012/01/06
I became aware midwinter of seasonal changes and passed time. I had been asleep drifting like silent fog...