Poetry Month – Poems by Ryokan
Selections 4 and 5 for National Poetry Month. These two poems of Zen Master Ryokan are from Dewdrops...
Book Review – Candidates for sainthood and other sinners
Review of Candidates for sainthood and other sinners, by Don Cellini Spanish translation by Fer de la Cruz....
Poetry Month – Poems by Robinson Jeffers
Selection #2 and #3 for National Poetry Month is Sign-Post and Evening Ebb by Robinson Jeffers, from his collection...
Poetry Month – Poem by Wendy Brown-Baez
For National Poetry Month, I will be selecting poems I enjoy by other writers and artists and will...
Poem – Walked Across the Field
I walked across that empty field after the weeds took over and boulders fell from the darkening sky...
Poem – Here Not Here
I was there and I was not there. Letting go of reasons and questions I weaved in and...
Poem – As Years Pass
A quiet moment as the sun sets. Fields emerging from thinning snow. What is distant is near –...
Poem – Across the Empty Field
I see a shadow sitting beneath a tree. The tree does not move and the shadow is still....
Stone Path Review – Artist Announcement
Artist Announcement for Tricia Knoll Exciting news about a Stone Path Review artist We are happy to announce that...
Poem – Daily Observations from Lutsen, MN
Daily observations from Lutsen, MN #1 Rocky shoreline, we walked with Leroy following closely behind, grows when the...
Poem – Winter’s Strength
The stronghold strengthens the winter depth deepens. The hill overlooks treetops holding pockets of snow to the empty...
Poem – Valley
Another great afternoon of snowshoeing and breaking trails with a clear cold sky. The treat at the end...
Fields of Snow
A foot of new powder, deep blue skies, and a quiet afternoon of snowshoeing. Nature’s fury becomes the...
Poem – Random Thoughts #2
Oak holds up the changing sky. What is beyond insanity? At what point do we lose the essence...