Tag: marathon

  • Poem – Revolution Rooted in Ancient Lands

    40 Days become 40 years and the revolution/transformation I began culminates from the mountain peak. Into the valley life flows as the new sun rises over the range. Caribou continue their thousand mile trek across vast swaths of land following their ancestors hoofs. I teeter on this ridge and see beyond the glacier fed waters…

  • Poem – From the Marathon

    The poem “From the Marathon” from the reading on 05/04/14. This piece is part of a larger work titled “Marathon Through Open Fields”. I awoke running through snowy fields, the bison lumbering with frozen noses and hanging breath the autumn wheat dusted with snow, weighed down from ice pellets they do not budge when I…

  • Poem – What I Create

    When the silence falls, Like a rock over the cliff They come back to me Thoughts I cannot control Thoughts I cannot stop. I fear silence The absence of being Exemplified by nothingness Leaving me alone with my thoughts, Nothing there to block Nothing there to stop They run wild Filling my mind with worlds…