Tag: essay

  • Essay – Rebirth in Alaska

    Essay – Rebirth in Alaska

    Introduction The experiences and premise of this essay are from a 2007 expedition to Alaska through the guiding company Exposure Alaska. “We speak of nature, of the natural world, as if that were something distinct from ourselves and the social world we appear to have made, seldom noticing that we are in nature and never…

  • As writers we should stop using “as”

    Working on edits the other day and my own essay and something about the word “as” really struck a cord with me. As implies and makes assumptions.  It generalizes a group or individual. Take for example the title of this post. It starts with “as writers”. It assumes to include and be a voice for…

  • Essay – Guides and Turning Points

    How did I get here? An important question I throw into the air while reading, writing, and drinking coffee on a cold morning with early sunlight across the fields. In this current state of being, I awoke a few years ago after sleep walking through most of my life and leaving my path up to…

  • Author Focus – John Haines

    I first learned of John Haines while taking a class at the Loft Literary Center a few years ago.  From the first poem I was hooked.  I have every book of his, some first editions, and one signed that I was fortunate to find. Mr. Haines also wrote many essays about nature, the world at…

  • Words and Actions

    Back in 2009, I had a short story published at Whispering Angel Books about my grandfather.  It was titled “Grandpa’s Words and Actions”.  As today is an important anniversary, I am re-posting, along with updates from reviewing each year,  and including it below. Rugged facial features and expressions, like that of mountain men in history…

  • Essay – What do you do?

    What do you do? This is a very common question during our interactions with people. It is most often asked by those we do not yet know, or only casually. Perhaps it is the once in a while haircut. During the customary small talk, this question and one other are always asked in one form…

  • Obstacles

    Rain has fallen the past two days. What snow we had is gone. Replaced with last year’s grass, sand, and mud, the yard is crunchy and slippery. The sun rises over naked rooftops, and bare branches reflect the light. An odd mixture of the winter month and the scent of spring. I hear bird songs.…

  • Crazy For the Undead

    Crazy For the Undead: An Analysis of Zombies In the American Consciousness By Justin Teerlinck The circumstances vary from film to film, but you know the drill.  An epidemic or a government-created virus causes the dead to become “undead,” violent cannibals who wander aimlessly seeking only prey on living human beings.  So why are Americans…

  • Coming soon…

    I will be posting an essay about zombies, written by my good friend Justin Teerlinck, here and at Stone Path Review.  Stay tuned.