A new month, a look back. I started this blog back in November or so as a companion to www.williamricci.com in hopes of finding editing opportunities and submissions to Stone Path Review. What I have found are new friends and fellow writers pouring their heart and soul into their passion and the works they create and share.

I have met people across the globe with various experiences and paths they have taken to get to here, and some who bare their souls with the pain and suffering life has chosen for them. And I have met a friend that seems to be a long lost brother.

What is refreshing and most positive about this experience is the safe haven we have created, where we can share, not be judged, and write from the heart, with no worries. We can ask for thoughts and opinions, and receive constructive criticism. In an essence, this is an artists group, of writers and photographers, assisting one another.

I look forward to the coming months of writing and reading others work. I look forward to the feedback on my own work that is helping me to grow, not only as a writer, but as an individual.

Mostly, I hope to continue building the wonderful friendships that I have become a part of.

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