New Endeavor – Bioconx
Since putting Stone Path Review on hold for 2015, I have been concentrating on my technology career and...
Conversation with musician Ben Leopard
A recent interview/conversation with musician Ben Leopard, also known as “Startle the Heavens” has been posted to Stone...
Poem – Boundaries and Borders That We Find That We Cross
Standing at the shoreline I awake when the sun peaks over the horizon and the waves crawl across...
Arctic Wild
For my next trip to Alaska I will be going through Arctic Wild which is based out of...
Poem – A Plea, part 2
I see you in fragmented dreams images from a life I have not lived unfocused faces and voices...
Poem – Do You?
Do you remember where you were that night in the autumn the first hard freeze and the sky...
Poem – An Eye Turned Inward
It is frighteningly easy to give up hope and lose a sense of place and purpose when the...
Poem – A Plea
In the sea my reflection is carried away by smoke and mist. I stood there with what was...
Poem – Excerpt from Beyond
The following is an excerpt from the upcoming book “Beyond the Border Kingdom”. I look over the empty...
The McMindfulness Craze: The Shadow Side of the Mindfulness Revolution
Another wonderful practice, being abused. Like anything, work on ourselves and everything, takes time, practice, dedication, and patience....
Poem – Border
The border defining a boundary the line between worlds, realms, our consciousness exists only in our minds a...
Quantum Physics Came From the Vedas
An article that examines and discusses the historical origination of Quantum Mechanics from ancient Hinduism philosophy and texts...
Quotes – From Inside the Grass Hut
Reading “Inside the Grass Hut” by Ben Connelly, an analysis of Shitou’s “Song of the Grass-Roof Hermitage”. When...
Poem – Finding Home in the Chaos – Part 4
These simple moments of nature’s gentle cycle coupled with the raw energy exhibited here and beyond humble this...
Poem – Finding Home in the Chaos – Part 3
Sometimes when I see the midnight moon over the superior waters I imagine, if I reach for enough...