On “Dualism”
I am reading the “Cultivating the Empty Field” for the second time, and also Dogen’s “Moon in a...
Poem – The Wheat Fields
Sun through skeleton trees illuminates the tall grass with a golden tone. The alfalfa is blooming. Autumn’s harvest...
Every End Leads to a Beginning
The last day of September leads quietly into October. Summer takes one last swipe before fall takes the...
Poem for Northography – Tag
A response to the most recent writing prompt at Northography. http://www.northography.com/responses.php?stimulus_id=289 I returned to the fields of the childhood...
Summer, morning walk
An early morning walk in the calm and cool air. Before the paths and sand become too hot,...
Poem – Snowy Field
Across the snowy field no footprints. Streetlights brighter further the sun sinks. Cold begins to creep in upon...
Poem – Ravaged
an empty road cuts various swaths through empty, arid fields until it stops. an object prostrated exactly where...
Poem – Fire, #1
The gathering around the stone circle Each tells a story in turn and the others listen closely, intently....
Empty Fields, 1
I must transcend beyond here, beyond everything I have done. I am walking lost around this infinite plane....