Poem – Deconstructed, part 1
The sea laps at empty shorelines. Rocks cast empty shadows. Tree leaves fall through empty space. Ground swells...
Poems online
Greetings friends. Just a quick note that I have been honored with having two poems (Fracture 93 and...
The Glassmaker is…
calling to me. I guess I should back up from here. What is actually calling me, is me....
Poem leftovers
As I debated within myself whether or not the “Untitled” poem should be left as is, or delve...
Untitled Poem
I posted part of this a few days ago. It’s the first new poem I have written in...
The Medicine Man
The medicine man imparted these words before transforming into a raven and vanishing from this space: Stop thinking....
Fragment 1
I am awake and waiting to awake. This nature of being being within nature. Fog swallows the landscape...
Poem – Death
This valley is filled with death. Take a step back… how did I get here? A few lifetimes...
Fragments Across the Empty Field
He longs for home of which he is unsure, what that home entails, where the road begins. He...