The Next Chapter
Passing through the pages of life,some chapters are thin and we quickly move,some consume years and decades. After...
Winter Grass and Wind
The winter grass and wind sings her song. Ravens join the chorus. Returning to roots and origin. Lulled...
Pockets and Nests
The northern cold and snow arrived late this year. Huddled against the wind we walk icy paths to...
Poem – Awakened
Scattered wisps of cloudsgive way to the first sunrise. Peaking over the horizon,shoreline rocks absorb each ray. Newly...
Poem – Mountain Dust
Mountains cast their shadows across my face as the distant river fills the canyon heading toward the sea....
Poem – Night Becomes the Day
Standing on the front porch I watch the sun rise over the distant mountains and first light run...
Video – Winter Grains
Two videos from early Christmas Day with crystal blue skies, strong wind, and below 0 temperatures.
Poem – Autumn Wind
Shadows from high-clouds in the early afternoon pass over our faces soaking in the autumn wind.
Poem – Beast
Do each of us have a monster inside a beast we strive to hide from the world, those...
Poem – Awaken
I woke in the fields. The fields I have never seen. The fields black beneath the white sun....
Poem – Small Moments Lasting a Lifetime
The biting cold of wind carrying water off the lake. A sun rising behind the grey storm clouds...
Poem – In the Distant Valley
A wanderer of the frozen lands, I stopped at the edge. A silence wrapped in wind and ice...
Poem – Through the Forest
Through the forest with only my thoughts and the morning sun reflecting off ice and snow. Through the...
Poem – Voice
Through the open window a voice whispering garbled words drifted in with the autumn breeze filled with the...
Poem – Perseverance
Storms rolled through last week. Weak and old trees toppled to the ground or fell into a neighbor...