The Story of Joline
In 1993, while taking a poetry class at the U of M, I started an epic poem about...
Transition – Chaos
I have spent many hours the past few weeks, in quiet contemplation. Setting aside books, news, papers, pen;...
To know my place here, the culmination of past, present, and now – requires awareness of my roots,...
Collaboration – The Beloved
Robyn Lee of Through The Healing Lens was kind enough to ask about paring a poem of mine,...
“Beloved” through words and images
Robyn Lee of Through The Healing Lens was kind enough to ask about paring a poem of mine...
Beyond What I see
Soaring clouds of orange and purple streaking across the limited view I have from here. Yet I feel...
The sky opened. Beneath brimmed hat I smiled. If I cannot have snow, bring me rain, Washing away...
“Marya”, Early Years
Deep black eyes partially hidden by disheveled hair draped across petite shoulders beneath black leather jacket. Leaning against...
Spring Preview
A walk around Silver Lake allowed the coming spring to enter a tired and worn mind. Thoughts of...
Red Raven Retreat – Trail Building – Day 2
Trail building continued this weekend with 1000 feet hand-cut for an initial pass. Brush and branches form last...
At Sea
The midnight sun greets each sailor lost at sea, searching for a port sheltered from the wind-swept ocean...
The Meeting
Two beings stand at the Infinite boundary between The sea and the fields. To each only minutes have...