Poem – Stars
And we sailed in a cosmic boat made from dreams across an ocean of stars. Guided by distant...
Science – New Research Suggests Dark Energy Might be the Reason Time Runs Forward
Perhaps travelling back in time will become part of our reality, if has not already happened. “It’s one...
Science – Understanding A 10 Dimensional Universe
A summary of the proposed 10-dimensional universe and theory suggests at each. Full article is here: https://futurism.com/understanding-10-dimensional-universe/ First...
Article – The Dark Secret at the Heart of AI
Article from MIT Technology review. It seems we will need to develop AI to control and understand AI....
Poem – The Last Day in This Flesh
The last time I exit the empty field, crossing over the still black water will be the last...
Poem – A Prelude (Beyond Now, Infinite Outcomes Merged Into Singularity)
We create machines from the technology we discover and in the pursuit of higher knowledge we imbue our...
Poem – Silent Music of Creation
When the nearest stars are observed and the furthest ancient light is discovered we see what became the...
Wildlife – Pileated Woodpecker
This pileated woodpecker made a visit on our last day in Lutsen. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pileated_woodpecker
Poem – Uncertain
“I have been here before.” A distant memory surfaces detached from the here and now I fail to...
Science – Large Hadron Collider Returns
In science news, the Large Hadron Collider is back online and will start ramping up to continue science...
First Light: The Dark Age of the Universe
The following video talks about the birth of the universe and the dark ages. http://blip.tv/deep-astronomy/first-light-the-dark-age-of-the-universe-6387036
Repost – Our Holographic Universe
From: http://www.dailygalaxy.com/my_weblog/2013/12/our-holographic-universe-a-new-theory-of-space-time-a-2013-most-popular.html Our Holographic Universe –A New Theory of Space-Time (2013 Most Popular) Researchers at the University of...