Tag: universe

  • Poem – Deconstructed, part 3 (Fracture 12)

    Have we met before? Perhaps on a distant planet, on the other side of the known universe. White and gold petals scattered through the void we cannot see, while consuming everything we do see. I stand within light on a floating island. The willow tree comforts me on the long journey from planet to planet,…

  • Poem – LHC

    the search is on the game has begun what is this matter we swim within? where did everything come from? many answers are sought to questions we think are rational, reasonable, and in reach. are we prepared or aware for the opposite? for the answers that we do not know? for the remote possibilities for…

  • Poem – For HZ

    My spiritual brother, Hanakia Zedek, is having surgery today.  I wrote this poem to aid in his recovery. You are not in my prayers but in my thoughts and in the spirit I have shared with you and that you have shown through your kindness, your laughter, and you being you. On that path that…

  • Essay – Ice Climbing, Alaska 2007

    I wrote this a couple of weeks ago about ice climbing in 2007 in Alaska (Matanuska Glacier).  The memory and the experience is as fresh as drinking coffee this morning.  It is seared into my being and will be a part of me for the rest of my time.  As I have aged and who…

  • Senzing Zen

    This blog will officially move to its new domain in a few days.  The logo has been updated along with the header image.  The website, www.senzingzen.com has the following meaning: The sensing and feeling of the energy and dynamism of Zen. In my recent studies of various philosophies and schools of thought, I keep coming…

  • Relatedness

    I came across this photo on Facebook and cannot help but be mesmerized by their faces and everything it symbolizes.  These are Japanese Macaque, also called Snow Monkeys.  They appear to be in a hot spring, possibly in Japan.  I find it impossible to look at this, their face, expressions, and not know we are…

  • Today’s music and other thoughts

    Today is brought to you by the electronic/dub-step band Nero and their album “Welcome Reality”. In effort to let my mind wander and escape for a couple of hours, I watched the movie “Expendables 2”.  Definitely nothing that would win an Oscar in any shape or form, but mind numbing action.  To much in my…

  • What Exists Between each Breath

    Spending the day home from work with a massive headache, most of it was spent sleeping. Now that it has passed and I feel more normal (a very loose definition), I sit in silence, thinking about the time that has passed and where we go from here. In the midst of obligations, timelines, deadlines, stress,…

  • Poem – Shift in Energy Patterns

    We survived the 21st and made it to northern MN, to be rewarded with Nature’s majesty.  Photos will be posted later of the sunset of the winter solstice and the guardian Orion watching over us. We are still here having survived the end of this physical place. Did I learn anything from this warning issued…

  • Shift, markers and perception

    There has been much talk about a shift and some big event that will shake humanity like a rag doll, until we wake up.  It is supposed to lift us from a deep sleep, bring us into the light and in front of a mirror, where we gaze at the reflection of what we are…

  • Poem – Time

    measured paces of swift moving feet across ocean sands. years pacing back and forth what am I waiting for? what passed through here first? in the time of no time what do we measure ourselves and forward progress against? what passes between moments? do music beats sound different? the sea crashes against shipwrecked fishing vessel,…

  • Influence

    Our sphere of influence. Do we know, realize, or even care about the people around us who are directly or indirectly influenced by our actions?  Something as simple as an angry gesture or honking your horn while driving.  What does the recipient of those actions carry forth with them on the rest of the drive,…

  • Lost Time?

    Another work week comes to a close, and I realize the things I have missed lately, forgotten, and things waiting quietly on the night stand.  The common phrase in these instances, besides just plain being busy, is that time flies.  Of course, logically time flows at the same speed, at in the directions, no matter…

  • Empty Fields, 1

    I must transcend beyond here, beyond everything I have done. I am walking lost around this infinite plane. The gods are ever watchful. Their past ever following and hiding when I turn. At times I reach further and see the next level before my past grabs my legs and pulls me back to this field…

  • Poem – Fracture 0

    Macroscopic black point nothing vibrating matter super symmetry the beginning.