Coming soon…
I am going to post some pieces about the blending of quantum mechanics and spirituality and how I...
Thank you kindly for the award
Paul at Resting in Awareness kindly nominated The Wasteland Here for the Reader Appreciation Award. I am very...
It seems I have been lost in the ether again. The weather here has been chaotic, oscillating within...
Summer on 41st
Stretching eager fingers, ready to continue on a new piece with the working title of “A Season in...
Proven Life, Chapter 7 and 8
I have posted Chapter 7 and Chapter 8 from Part 2 of “The Proven Life” for your reading...
Today’s Music
Today finds me searching for a more settled, and calm place. I chose the band “Startle the Heavens” new...
Poem leftovers
As I debated within myself whether or not the “Untitled” poem should be left as is, or delve...
Untitled Poem
I posted part of this a few days ago. It’s the first new poem I have written in...
Thank you for the award
A heartfelt thanks to Mary Ann Blinkhorn of for the “One Lovely Blog Award”. As part of the award,...
Feet Don’t Fail Me Now
My wonderful friends in the dance/music group Rhythmic Circus are taking their show “Feet Don’t Fail me Now”...
The Proven Life update
Chapter 5 (Untitled Misery) and Chapter 6 (The Realization) have been posted for your reading pleasure. Click here...
The Medicine Man
The medicine man imparted these words before transforming into a raven and vanishing from this space: Stop thinking....
The Proven Life Chapter 3 and 4
Further removed from the grips of a migraine, I have posted Chapter 3 (Lost Love) and Chapter 4...