Category: Photography

  • Poem – Connections

    Poem – Connections

    Wandering the fields,a dusting of snow coats mature pine trees and grasses. They run free and wild as I walkthe trails we began building in the spring. Coyote dens near the hills are clean and organizedand the fox den recently found is still visible. So much life and nature in this field.Years are needed to…

  • Poem – Emerging from the Depths with Stardust

    Poem – Emerging from the Depths with Stardust

    The blood-red sky of time before the sun rises intermingled with black clouds, the air is cold and still. I stand in a circle around the perimeter waiting for the moment told through ages, through dreams and the instinct telling me this is the place, this is where I need to be. Many years passed…

  • Poem – Into the Storm

    Poem – Into the Storm

    Following the untouched path filling with snow,the sky and fields begin to merge. The surrounding forest becomes muted and fadesas we slowly are swallowed. Winter grasses are the last to disappearamidst the fading background. We stand near the growing empty fieldsoon to be lost and with no directionand we tell ourselves this is needed,this reset…

  • Autumn Thoughts

    Autumn Thoughts

    Speeding through November with December around the corner, a pause is warranted in the daily flow to reflect, to think, to breath. The sun settles into the horizon earlier as darkness consumes more time and the cold encourages us to seek more warmth within ourselves. The day emerges slowly with orange and purple streaks as…

  • Surviving


    Slow down, stop, look to the sky. With eyes closed, take in nature, exhale burdens, worries, and angst. If only for that moment.

  • Poem – Saman

    Poem – Saman

    The black silent outline moves closer as time passes, time not from here. The empty sky vibrates as a thin line emerges from the horizon’s depths. I walk into the water folding with the sky and feel no cold, no pain, no burden as the golden light seeps into my heart. Upon the ancient boulders…

  • Poem – Taking the Path into the Darkening Sky

    Poem – Taking the Path into the Darkening Sky

    Falling off the concrete path, I landed in the empty fields surrounded with autumn colors. I was not sure where to turn next, what road to follow, or where I wanted to go. The trees then opened showing me a path leading up into the darkening blue sky, into the unknown.

  • If Jackson Pollock was a photographer – #18

    If Jackson Pollock was a photographer – #18

    I imagine one his photographs might look like this:    

  • Poem – The Road

    Poem – The Road

    The road into the distant sky seems untouchable, the journey seems impossible, but this is the start, this is only the beginning, if I choose to walk. I return to that road whenever direction is needed whenever I need a reminder of the path at my feet that I choose to forget. How to bring…

  • Poem – Into the Shadows

    Poem – Into the Shadows

    Holding up the sky as morning settles into the fields. We pass beneath the ancient canopy and quietly fall into its shadows.