Tag: fracture

  • The Medicine Man

    The medicine man imparted these words before transforming into a raven and vanishing from this space: Stop thinking. Know. Forced thinking, what you seek dissapears. Beyond the mountain the valleys are deep and wide. Going into them blind, distracted thinking, will consume you. Instead enter the gate and immediately stop. See your arms outstretched. Welcome…

  • Poem – Fracture 0

    Macroscopic black point nothing vibrating matter super symmetry the beginning.

  • Poem – Death

    This valley is filled with death. Take a step back… how did I get here? A few lifetimes ago, I came upon an ancient river flowing through Babylon and I drank from the waters, I drank so much that I fell into a deep sleep and just woke up 37 years ago. I am unsure…

  • Fragments Across the Empty Field

    He longs for home of which he is unsure, what that home entails, where  the road begins. He left.  In  one sense he had never arrived. Long nights turn cold.   The belly of this beast emerges with bared teeth and claws, leaving two choices: accept the proposition, or move outside of yourself. Tiny fragments…