Tag: winter

  • Listen and Respond

    The path being taken is open to diversions, changes, bumps, and the occasional washed out road. What is important is how we respond, react, and move forward in the spiritual sense, not necessarily forward motion, as the next step may backward, or a jump to another, unrelated path. I recently received the most honest, straight-forward,…

  • Thoughts // Seasons

    While lying here with the windows open and ceiling fan churning, I hear the traffic on the near freeway.  I feel the warm air layered on top of a subtle chill that is winter relinquishing its hold of this space, and spring/summer moving in. It is in the moment, I realized that with the chaos…

  • Something is Missing

    What the hell happened to spring?  Winter has quickly left our thawed memories and spring has sprung for the time being.  Thoughts of rolling white slopes turn to the chaos of natures pointed words. Soon the skies will be filled with dark clouds from far reaches of open fields, across the plains of northern lands,…

  • Transition – Chaos

    I have spent many hours the past few weeks, in quiet contemplation.  Setting aside books, news, papers, pen; I allowed the environment, consisting of the wind, rain, snow, temperature, sun, moon, bird calls, raven squawk – any event to rummage around inside and surface an emotion or memory. Years have passed and some memories are…

  • Peace for Now

    The mind is heavy with thoughts as the snow fall ends and we are left with the aftermath, the heavy blanket across the land, the frozen flowers and trees, and the rabbit’s track at the front door. So simple, so beautiful.