Tag: energy

  • Time and Music

    Time and music are inseparable, as each measures and lives within the other.  Imagine the sublime music originating from the universe, and the raw frequencies emerging from the big bang. Imagine being aware of this sound and its vibrations. Imagine the chaos of each day intercepting and blocking the energy around us, preventing, and sometimes…

  • Dreams: Path or Reality

    Dreams: Path or Reality What will it take to trust this path? How many more years will I take the steps carefully, always watchful, before I finally give in and trust, not only this direction, but more importantly, myself? Dreams far beyond my physical reach are an integral part of each day. I have read…

  • Transition – Chaos

    I have spent many hours the past few weeks, in quiet contemplation.  Setting aside books, news, papers, pen; I allowed the environment, consisting of the wind, rain, snow, temperature, sun, moon, bird calls, raven squawk – any event to rummage around inside and surface an emotion or memory. Years have passed and some memories are…

  • Beyond What I see

    Soaring clouds of orange and purple streaking across the limited view I have from here. Yet I feel their motion. I feel their strength. And in that strength I see them moving beyond their origin yet retaining their roots their source. In the beginning of each story faith is instilled and the truth is prolonged…