Tag: community

  • Belief


    On this spring day with the tinge of winter, Easter is upon us. The cream corn casserole, a staple and tradition that my grandfather started and I humbly continue to prepare for the holidays, is in the oven and filling the house with memories. Leroy lays at my feet while I watch robins cling to…

  • Poem – Untitled

    Heads bowed Silent words This connection We all share Fragile and tenuous Now rings an alarm Looking for strength And unity. In this dark hour We realize the thin thread Holding us up and together That is stretched at times And pulls us closer at others. The key to learning And moving beyond Is compassion…

  • What I am Thankful For

    As with many people, I am taking this time to reflect on life and what I am thankful for.  I am in the same camp that wishes a day did not have to be set aside for us to take this time.  Why can we not be thankful each day, not only for the people…

  • Dear Mr. President

    Now that the smoke has cleared and months of campaigning are over, it’s time to step back and figure out where we go from here.  First, I did not vote for you, but congratulations.  I mean that sincerely since there is only forward from here, and any anger and hostility must be put aside.  I…

  • Shift, markers and perception

    There has been much talk about a shift and some big event that will shake humanity like a rag doll, until we wake up.  It is supposed to lift us from a deep sleep, bring us into the light and in front of a mirror, where we gaze at the reflection of what we are…

  • Neighbor

    I see you dear neighbor.   From a distance.  I have lived here for years, yet I know very little about you besides your name, concerns in our neighborhood, and when you go to church.  I would apologize for my distance, or what can come across as not caring, but that would require me to…

  • Peace, Comfort, Belief

    I hope we all find some peace, comfort, and belief today. My beliefs have changed and morphed much over the years.  As I have gained more experience, listened to others, and finally listened to myself, I have come to a set of beliefs that work for me internally.  That work for me as I venture…