Tag: life

  • Poem – Random Thoughts

    Across the western landscape clouds roam with scattered shadows. What beasts must I endure to find my way, my path. Only abstract from life, from nature. I am nature. Source of art from the unconscious. The white canvas, an empty field waits with silent anticipation for the first brush. Where does “it” come from? The…

  • Poem – Another Life

    In another life I scaled the peak. I tasted the salt and blood of success and defeat. I stood and watched clouds rise and fall. Moons passed and kingdoms fell before the mountain swallowed me whole.

  • Essay – Influence

    An entire lifetime spanning so many years, is divided into smaller lifetimes, or books. These books of our life are further divided into chapters. I think the books are finished and started with major events or changes and these can be happy, joyous, sad, perhaps a death or tragedy. The chapters within each are related…

  • Poem – The Dead Sea

    Standing before my reality, I see the ruins. A civilization gone before my eyes. The pillars stand above the land, where someone’s life started. Standing alone on a cliff, I see what remains. The water flows beneath my feet, From the canal to the Dead Sea. People from the old world came to start again,…

  • Poem – War Child

    Standing among the ruins. He looks out over to the west, as the sun sets upon the land And the smoke billows from the ruins. Many thoughts at once run through his mind and collide. He stands alone, afraid to look. Afraid to ask. In his arms, he holds all that is left of his…

  • Poem – LHC

    the search is on the game has begun what is this matter we swim within? where did everything come from? many answers are sought to questions we think are rational, reasonable, and in reach. are we prepared or aware for the opposite? for the answers that we do not know? for the remote possibilities for…

  • Feeling Alive

    I have become aware that nature, being in nature, and at its whim, is when I am most alive and full of life, hope, respect, and at my most humble. I try to keep some part of it in my thoughts each day when I am most at need and far away because of daily…

  • Poem – Untitled #2

    (1) When evening light scatters across the horizon hidden behind the treeline moving to the wind and free of clouds, the orange disk fills my eyes with a field neither land nor sea but made of light and our feet walk gently upon this, though I do not see you my hand holds something and…

  • Words and Actions

    Back in 2009, I had a short story published at Whispering Angel Books about my grandfather.  It was titled “Grandpa’s Words and Actions”.  As today is an important anniversary, I am re-posting, along with updates from reviewing each year,  and including it below. Rugged facial features and expressions, like that of mountain men in history…

  • Essay – What do you do?

    What do you do? This is a very common question during our interactions with people. It is most often asked by those we do not yet know, or only casually. Perhaps it is the once in a while haircut. During the customary small talk, this question and one other are always asked in one form…