Tag: valley

  • Poem – Valley

    Another great afternoon of snowshoeing and breaking trails with a clear cold sky.  The treat at the end was a beautiful sunset through the trees. I stand at the valleys entrance covered with shadow and darkness. I am unsure of how I feel the wind blows through me. I cannot see the end trees twist…

  • Poem – Self

    The following poem is from a conversation with Hanakia Zedek regarding Zen and takes place through a series of poems.  Questions are asked, along with a poem, and the response is a poem addressing each question. Self (1) Standing on the blue cliff on one side of the valley dividing mountain ranges tiled with a…

  • Poem – Oxygen

    I watch you from the second floor I greet you this morning with voice thrown into the winter wind and back inside. you kept walking into snow and ice into fog and gone. I wait for you from the second floor hours have passed before your return. How was your day? Wet… Last night I…

  • Poem – True Living and Being

    Part of me has died inside I feel the heavy loss on my sinking shoulders unwilling to hold the burden. I search with a half effort beneath the reamins of each day and wonder if I willingly allowed this to happen or if other powers are at play, a game I am unfamiliar with. Far…

  • Poem – City

    I walk the midnight valleys of this desolate city mired in the remnants of industry. I walk the tunnel of black light with no beginning or end and the underlying fear this will begin again consumes more of each day. I walk beneath the remains of each day searching through rubble, scraps, picture frames and…

  • I walked in the Valley of Shadows

    I walk the valley of shadow and darkness looking for you, not your physical self but the essence left behind by the deeds and missions you have accomplished and completed, the sacrifices you have made and the self shaped through layers of experiences, yet we know the real person beneath.

  • Untitled Poem

    I posted part of this a few days ago.  It’s the first new poem I have written in awhile as I wait for my well to replenish.  This is the completed first part of the piece.  I have tried writing 1 or 2 more sections to this, but they are coming across as forced, contrite,…

  • The Medicine Man

    The medicine man imparted these words before transforming into a raven and vanishing from this space: Stop thinking. Know. Forced thinking, what you seek dissapears. Beyond the mountain the valleys are deep and wide. Going into them blind, distracted thinking, will consume you. Instead enter the gate and immediately stop. See your arms outstretched. Welcome…